THE 10 POSITIVE COMMANDMENTSReverse ten commandmants as the laws of one love
Thou shalt not kill, therefore protect, save and nurture all life
Thou shalt not steal, therefore thou shalt give instead of take
Thou shalt not commit adultery, therefore thou shalt be loving of one to one
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, therefore thou shalt love thy own loved ones
Thou shalt not have no god before me, therefore know and have but one god for all
Thou shalt have no false idols, therefore, follow only truth and its ideals
Thou shalt not take the name of the lord in vain, therefore speak only names in true reverence
Remember Sabbath and take thy rest, therefore enjoy peace and thy holy work
Thou shalt not Bear false witness, therefore be always honest
Honor father and mother, therefore honor those who take care of you
Ten Commandments of LOVE10 WAYS TO KNOW LOVE: Love builds, love gives, love heals, love lives, love sees, love knows, love accepts, love respects, love laughs, love protects.
Ten commandmants of ameriginality;
Ten positive commandmaents;
Ten spiritual commandmants;
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LOGOS of unity (as a form experience)
1) unity law of one to one
Where 2) choice must be correct and to the good or opposite, not good
When 3) inteference or distraction will in this world natural
Why 4 - the polarity which represents the unity and uniform
As the how - 5) natural affinity and attention of love forms a matter expression in spatial time coordination to keep balance and inclusive existing or form of life as it is
That 6) maintains a causal relationships cause and effect such as (teams/players success to fan or cohesive unity relative to them) where either action or non-action passivity is choice
And 7) thus produces third co-dynamic effect or new offspring as each person represents that creativity of ’god” And 8) the acknowledge as such then also allow neutral acceptance and compassionate response or ’sacrifice’ as surrender to what is
And 9) a mutual allowance of what occurs and lesson or cognizance of the ‘idea’ learned
For the purpose 10) To express the law of one to one and its ever becoming essence…
A ten commandant for the question: Do other worlds exist?
1) if so many worlds are possible in this universe, stars, planets like earth
2) then so many more inner or unknown and not of this universe, as physics suggests…
And taking that all matter is transformed, then too all death is a birth or shift in state…
3) and if then, what happens to all the dead people
For example, genius and accomplished would probably not pertain to return to this world
But advent to advanced worlds
4) thus a hierarchy and order exist, like the universe, and seemingly random planets in orbit
Around the sun, which is in perfect gravity pull but random in a sense of natural unforced order
5) thus meta and other mental or imaginative are related to a unity or a world in reality
And the world has an order which is also perfect in its freedom or established mobility
6) relative science and uniforn religion may also blend in the ever becoming vision
7) plus a higher reality exists of a pure spiritual or pure uncomplicated world or universe
Which holds those who have found the same unity beyond form, as described
8) most often in the spiritual but also reality or fiction works but which cannot be described
Like dreams that are changed or adjusted to the consciousness of the dreamer
9) and ultimately a stable freedom in original soul or a god like existence in the pure world
Or even within this world is possible, as one may individually become or actualize
10) This then is actualism, modal worlds philos and divine logos merged and realized..
Inter-Dependent on our conscious or independent transfused state of realization..
THUS MAN, HUMAN, SOUL, each of these are doorways to other worlds as level or planes
10 commandants of the Science of progressive being
1) that man who sees prospects of progress gains immediately of his surmission into the present
For example a team seeing the potential to win in a second or next game usually wins the first game
2) that a gain established opens the door of patience and continuity in the present to wait for returns
3) that a correct feeling is composed in the determination or the correct choice brings a composed feel
4) that one must maximize this opportunity or gain moment in the present
5) that one has a maximum number of opportunities present and that a maximum opportunity is also present
6) good aspects follow trend that is a certainty to come or arrive in the present
7) as the present is a here now that never ends
And 8) cognition requires some determinant such as a one to one respect or association
9) that this world requires the association, while instant access is perhaps in the eternal beyond the present
10) leads us to the ultimate or a final commandment…..progress comes of choice in the present, the most spiritually accepting being the ultimate choice, to just be in spirit as it is, love truth ideal compassion source.